Past exhibitions:

SWOON - Time Capsule

09.10.2019 - 04.10.2020
In 2019/2020, the US artist Swoon showed works and installations under the project name "Time Capsule" as a retrospective of her creative process....


18.04.2019 - 29.09.2019
Following the great success of recent years, in 2019 the MUCA once again presented its annual "Collector's Show" with famous works from its own collection....

SURFACE - Søren Solkær

November 2018 - April 2019
After more than 20 years of portraying the faces of the music and film industry, Solkær launched a project about the pioneering icons of art in public space....

Tim Bengel - Urban Inspiration

November 2018
Gold, sand and glue - the German artist made his breakthrough on the global art market with these materials....

IMAGO - a history of portraits

July until November 2018
Internationally renowned artists from the urban art scene interpreted a significant reference portrait from a historical period or from a historical artistic movement in their own style and medium....

SUPER + / Flight of the Phoenix

July 2018
Since 2015, the artist group super+ has been performing the "Flight of the Phoenix" at various locations such as the English Garden, the Kunstarealfest, the Pinakothek der Moderne in...

The BUNTE Art.

About the art of telling stories.
June 2018
In line with the guiding principle MEDIA IS ART, the exhibition showed the intersection of BUNTE and art. On display were works by Andy Warhol, Anselm Reyle and...

WAHN|SINN - Herakut Show

March 2018 until June 2018
HERAKUT is a 2004 collaboration between the two German graffiti artists Hera and Akut, internationally acclaimed stars of the urban art scene....

Jimmy Nelson Photo Exhibition

November 2017 until March 2018
The British photographer Jimmy Nelson, known worldwide for his photos of indigenous peoples, also showed previously unpublished works in the MUCA exhibition....