Dessner 'Little blue something' at MUCA | MKO - In the Neibourhood
The Munich Chamber Orchestra plays 'Little blue something' at the MUCA - with Richard Hambleton's "Shadowmen" as the audience.
The MUCA at 'simply Munich
Icons of Urban Art - Trailer | MUCA
Richard Hambleton - Shadowman - Trailer | MUCA
Experience Bavaria feat. MUCA | hr
The segment on the MUCA begins at minute 5:19
"Banksy" paints Corona rats in London Underground | MDR Brisant
The wonderful Banksy | Das Erste (ttt)
MUCA Talk: Interview with Sebastian Wandal
MUCAtalk is our new format with Boris Schmidt from the MUCA, who finds out insights and behind-the-scene information about the artists for you in exciting interviews with the MUCA artists! Our first guest is the artist Sebastian Wandal, with whom we conducted an interview in three parts.